American Indians Between 1609 To 1865

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Essay Database > History
The American Indians Between 1609 To 1865 As we approach the millennium, a time capsule will be a great idea to make because it will contain a summary of important dates and historical headlines that happened a long time ago. It will also be a very helpful thing to preserve for the future in order for people to have a better rationalization of the significance of the American Indians in the United States History from 1609 to 1865. The …

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…is only a small piece of evidence about the drastic changes that the Natives faced because of the colonization. I hope that by rearing my time capsule about the American Indians between the 1609 and 1865, you have a better understanding about the problems and benefits that the Native tribes faced. Even today, Native Americans continue to suffer from a cultural crisis, but if we contribute and help them, we can also benefit from their rich culture.