American Immigration Policy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
American Immigration Policy Immigration has held a major role in shaping our country. Immigrants have provided many things such as customs, manufacturing, inventions, and entertainment. Many people today don't realize how greatly we have been affected by immigration. A survey was given to ten people. The survey contained a list of people who were all immigrants. When asked how many actually were, only one person got the question right. Old Immigration occurred between 1840-1890. Immigrants …

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…with illegal immigration which needs to be tended to. More Border Patrol guards could be hired along the Mexican border, however, this does cost a lot of money. Funding could come out of taxes to help put an end to illegal aliens. Cutting down welfare, food stamps, and Medicare to immigrants even further would also be beneficial. Immigration is a key part to our nations history. The continuing situation could drastically affect our country's future.