American History,The Reform Party.

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Essay Database > History > World History
Sara Fletcher 7-28-00 American History Mr. Meltzer Title: The Reform Party The Reform Party is one of the most know third parties in the world. Like other parties it has Constitutional Principles, Budgets, Entitlements, Tax Reforms, Ethics, Term Limits, and Campaign Finance Reforms, Trade - Policy's, Foreign - Policy's, Education, Health Care, and the Environment. The Reform Party is very small; it is so small that people that are in it never get called …

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…Reform Party believes in a Balanced Tailored Trade program that promotes the economic interest and welfare of all our citizens while safeguarding domestic production . The above that you see is there constitutional principles. I give them a lot of respect to make there own constitutional. What I don't understand is why they need all these principles if they're small. I think there is no need to make such a small party with all these rules.