American History of the 60-70s

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Essay Database > History
During the 50s and the 60s television had a huge impact on Americans lives.timeAmericans relied strongly apond the T.V. this allowed American people as well as the rest of the world to see things and witness things without even being remotely close. Television took one of its first major steps in Texas where president John F Kennidy was assassinated in the mid 60s. And how the hole event had gotten captured on tape. …

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…maybe even some jail time for his part in the break in of the Watergate building. So Nixon decides to rather than to go to court and face possible time in jail he would resign presidency after talking to a few indivisuals in Washington. After he resigns and the following president took office he emmideatly gave president Nixon emunidy and the case was closed. Still to the day there is speculation over what really happened.