American History X

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
American History X ``American History X'' shows how two Los Angeles brothers are drawn into a neo-Nazi skinhead gang, and why one decides to free himself. In telling their stories, the film employs the language of racism--the gutter variety and more sophisticated variations. The film is always interesting and sometimes compelling, and it contains more actual provocative thought than any American film on race since ``Do the Right Thing.'' But in trying to resolve …

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…a good and powerful film. If I am dissatisfied, it is because it contains the promise of being more than it is. The Cast Edward Norton Derek Vineyard Edward Furlong Danny Vineyard William Russ Dennis Vineyard Fairuza Balk Stacy Avery Brooks Dr. Robert Sweeney Beverly D'Angelo Doris Vineyard Elliott Gould Murray Jennifer Lien Davina Vinyard Antonio Danid Lyons Lawrence Keram Malicki-Sanchez Chris Ethan Suplee Seth Stacy Keach Cameron Guy Torry Lamont Nicholas Oleson Huge Aryan