American Expansionism ----- College Paper

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Americans in the late 1800's agreed most strongly with the imperialist views of Albert Beverage and Josiah Strong. America had expanded, from the small east coast thirteen-state-country it had been in the late 1700's, until reaching the shores of the Pacific Ocean in the west. There was infrastructure, like railroads, connecting the entire country. The most recent census taken at the time said that there were no more undeveloped lands on which new immigrants could …

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…still send our young people into harms-way for what we think is the right way to live. Historically this has been shown to be a mistake. It is not that the reasons given by Strong and Beveridge are wrong, but more a reluctance to adopt new ways in a country one calls home. Change is always scary and most societies in the world today do not want to change, no matter who is helping them.