American Embassy

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American Embassy Commercial Service 27 Napier Road Tel: (65) 476-9037 Singapore 258508 Fax: (65) 476-9080 The U.S. Commercial Service, the business solutions unit of the Commerce Department, helps U.S. companies make their first international sale or expand their markets overseas. Assistance includes identifying best markets, effective market strategies, distribution channels, pricing, and overseas representation. With its mission to promote United States exports and support United States' business interests, the US & Foreign Commercial Service offers a wide variety …

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…European Union hindering you in any way? 2) How is an ambassador selected? 3) What criteria must be met in order to become a member country? 4) Why are ASEAN member countries looking outside of this specific organization for products and/or services? Where does Africa fit into the infrastructure of AFTA or does it at all? 5) Are there any standardized governing bodies that grant authenticity to a company as a credible corporation (i.e. ISO)? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**