American Business Culture and the Penal System

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Essay Database > Literature > English
How Does the American Business Culture Relate to the Penal System? The costly casualties that hit hospitals by way of taxpayer wallets, the big business of Wall Street floating high-profit construction bonds and an increasingly viewed prison population as a pool of cheap labor, are some of the many ways in which relations exist between the American Business Culture and the penal system. The shift has gone from jails, to correctional facilities, to places of …

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…some $35 billion annually, according to the Atlantic Monthly. Correctional Building News, a trade magazine, predicts the inmate population will rise 5 to 10 percent annually. When corporations run prisons, humans become commodities. The task of punishment and rehabilitation, which should be a matter of public policy, is put into private hands. Because for-profit companies might be forced to cut corners to please investors, poor medical care, understaffing and lax security are among the problems facing private prisons