American Attitudes about September 11th

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Essay Database > History
Osama Bin Ladin had more than just a plan to harm United States Citizens when he had the world trade centers bombed. He had a grudge with the whole way of life that Americans led. He was disgruntled about our economic strength, our cultural acceptances, and the "materialistic" way of life we led. He thought that by bringing down the world trade centers, our symbol of everything good about America, that he would destroy our …

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…terror and hate in the eyes, and not so much as flinch. In the end, we have benefited from this, by becoming a better country as a whole. This is shown by how Americans have realized their discrimination and immediately corrected this behavior. An example of this can be seen in the previous discussion of airline security and Arab-Americans. America will never be defeated, and certainly not by men like Bin Laden and his followers.