America was or was not justified in breaking away from Great Britain?

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Essay Database > History > North American History
America was or was not justified in breaking away from Great Britain? America had every right, mind and aspect, to throw off the almost inexorable chains of Great Britain. Not only declaring war against the British was justified, but it was the only choice America had. From the very beginning, (when the colonists first migrated to America) the colonists were displeased with Great Britain's law-makings and government. When diplomatic options and agreements with Great Britain …

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…and the colonists' relentless desire for individuality and freedom of rights. These evidences proved to be vital in the decision America made to shatter the chains from Great Britain. The Declaration of Independence is put best by saying that the Americans attempted their hardest to avoid war, by petitions and peaceful means, but when that failed, war was their last and only resort. Thus, America was indeed very justified in breaking away from Great Britain.