"America the Beautiful". The short and long term effects of The Dust Bowl of the 1930's on the U.S.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
<Tab/>Before the 1930's as the rain fell steadily, farmers in the Great Plains were planting and harvesting abundant crops. They had no idea of the damage being done as they planted crops year after year. This left the soil unconfined and bare. The once grass-covered fields were stripped away from cows grazing and sheep herding. No one knew these factors would lead to almost a decade of devastating events. In 1930 …

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…present time. Many farmers were unemployed and families were left sick and hungry. Some left their homes and moved west in search for jobs. The government aided in many different programs to help employ many farmers and restore the land. Many new methods were created that we still use now. As one looks back, let them hold in high regards those who lived through that dark decade and paved the way for America the beautiful.