America the Beautiful

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Imagine a country with cities of silver, mountains of green and brown, beaches of yellow and gold, lakes of blue, trees of yellow, red and green. All of this is part of the beautiful terrain and wonderful cities of the United States of America. In the west the cities of San Francisco and Los Angeles offer many attractions. San Francisco has the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman's wharf, Alcatraz, Lombard Street (the crookedest street in the …

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…are the Appalachian and Smoky Mountains, the Atlantic coast and the green palm trees of Florida. The United States of America also includes the beautiful, tropical islands of Hawaii. Honolulu is the home of Diamond Head and Pearl Harbor. Another beautiful state is Alaska. It is the largest state and is almost entirely a wilderness area. It is also the home of icebergs and glaciers. And that's what makes the United States of America great!