America headed downhill?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
America a free nation, known around the world as a super power seems to be heading downhill fast. Since Clinton held office America has become corrupt, brainwashed, idiotic and the freedoms the forefathers fought for restricted. The liberals and the democrats' wants to destroy America as soon as possible but the only thing that is holding them back is George W. Bush and the Republican Party. Why do I think America is heading downhill? Well …

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…hard to awake America from its sleep but he can do with another 4 years. America has become less corrupt, and the restricting of freedom has slowed down. However if Kerry or cherry gets in office America is going down hill fast. For now it only seems to be lost in the middle it will be only matter of time before they find a guide and go uphill but with Kerry it will only go downhill.