America has, is, and will always be a nation of immigrants

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In the years that have passed since Emma Lazarus' poem was inscribed on the Statue of Liberty "the golden door" Americans have seen times when the door was Open wide and times when It was close shut to most immigrants. Many people look at the present immigration problems as a Purely modern dilemma. The truth is America has always struggled with the issue of immigration, Both legal and illegal. Changing times, however, makes it very …

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…February 1992, Runyan, Jack L. IMMIGRATION REFORM AND CONTROL ACT OF 1986, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Investor visa program, Immigration Act of 1990, May 2004, Simon, Julian L., the Case of Greatly Increased Immigration, 1991, pp. 89-103, National Affairs, Inc. Census Bureau Home Page,