America Should Go to War

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Essay Database > History
America Should Go to War Colin Powell made his case not too long ago. Saddam Hussein is not in compliance with Resolution 1441. He is not disarming. Therefore, the only practical thing to do is to go to war. Yet, many people protest the impending war, suggesting that President Bush is the dangerous man while they ignore Hussein's past history. By vilifying Bush who is in fact acting as an aggressor in this conflict, many are …

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…military action that the regime can end, and a more peaceful world can begin. Works Cited Britain has "sufficient authority" to attack Iraq: Straw. XINHUA 4 Mar 2003: PG. Dobbs, Lou. "Freedom: our best export." U.S. News & World Report 10 Mar 2003: 46. "POWELL: NO DOUBT ON WHAT FOLLOWS SADDAM'S NONCOMPLIANCE TO DISARM." FDCH Regulatory Intelligence Database 5 Mar 2003: PG. "The Iraq endgame." Economist 1 Mar 2003: 11-12. "Waiting Game." New Republic 17 Mar 2003: 7. Note: PG refers to pagination of electronic sources.