America: Land of the Free - Home of the Misanthropes A Response to Florence King Summary/Strong Response Essay

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Approaching the AD building on campus last week, I was shocked and nearly choked as I took in a deep breath. My lungs filled with cigarette smoke instead of the clean crisp winter's morning air I had been breathing. The smoke made me nauseous. I grimaced as I noticed that the smokers were not the required twenty-five feet from the entrance to the building. What are smokers thinking? Don't I have the right to breathe …

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…she decries the hatred of a hating nation. But to those that would like a smoke free environment at her expense, King says, "Go --- yourself!" Florence King, you are a shining example of an American misanthrope. Works Cited King, Florence, "I'd Rather Smoke Than Kiss." National Review, 7/9/90, Vol. 62 Issue 13, p32. Rpt. in the Allyn and Bacon Guide to Writing. John D. Ramage, John C. Bean, and June Johnson. 3rd ed. New York: Longman, 2003. 133-138.