America as a "nation of immigrants"

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Essay Database > Law & Government
America is sometimes referred to as a 'nation of immigrants' because of our largely open-door policy toward accepting foreigners pursuing their vision of the American Dream. Recently, there has been a clamor by some politicians and citizens toward creating a predominantly closed-door policy on immigration, arguing that immigrants 'threaten' American life by creating unemployment by taking jobs from American workers, using much-needed social services, and encroaching on the 'American way of life.' While these …

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…figures, and statistics must be studied by both sides in order to reach a decision most beneficial to our nation. Our lives are enhanced by the new jobs created by immigrants, the social service funds bolstered by their tax payments, and the valuable technical skills and knowledge brought with them. These benefits far outweigh any negative effects and prove the value of immigrants as they pursue the American Dream in our 'nation of immigrants.'