Amazon Rainforest

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Amazon Rainforest The Amazon Rainforest is the world's greatest natural resource, yet still it is being destroyed just like other rainforests around the world. Rainforests are being destroyed worldwide for the resources they have; timber, cattle, agriculture, and subsistence cropping by rainforest inhabitants. Many of the local land owners farm deforested land for about two years until the unfertile soil goes barren. They leave thousands of acres of useless land behind, when they should be …

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…amazon rainforest is being destroyed every 30 seconds. To preserve the rainforest, governments must make stiffer laws deforestation, governments should also take part in the reforestation of the rainforest. People like ourselves have to help in the reforestation of the rainforest too, there are numerous types of funding for the preservation of the rainforest. If we make the preservation of the rain forest a top priority, it will be preserved for many generations to cherish it.