Amadeus Movie Review

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The title of the movie should actually be "Salieri", because the whole movie is really about his jealousy of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and how Salieri was overshadowed musically by Mozart. In the beginning, Salieri makes a "deal" with God so He will make Salieri a musical genius, and Salieri believes he has been granted this gift until the day Mozart comes to Vienna. Salieri immediately becomes jealous that God has bestowed upon Mozart the power …

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…really focus much on him. Rent this film if you have absolutely nothing else to do on a Saturday night but you probably won't be able to finish watching it unless you're a major cultural history junkie. Other than that, a note to the intended audiences (like I said, the culture gurus): enjoy! To the casual moviegoer who likes action or romance: beware- you probably won't be able to watch the whole 160 minutes of Amadeus.