"Always Runnning" by Luis Rodriguez.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
An autobiography about gang days in LA. Rodriguez explains his horrible life as a gangmember in the latino slums of Los Angeles. The first chapter deals with his uprigning. His brother Hosé, later known as Joe, does not speak english and is thought by the teachers not to admid to anything. Chapter 2 - Luis grows up always running from police or gangs. His best friend Tino dies after he and Luis are chased …

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…stops the police from beating on a young girl one day and is thrown in the jail. He gets a grant from his colledge to let him off the hook. IN the end, Luis is a writer and writing this book for his son who wants to join the gang life. He hopes this will teach him a valuable lesson. There's the book. It doesnt include all the details, but it includes most of them.