Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with it serious enviromental problems.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Since humans populated the earth, they have caused a devastating effect on the natural environment. In the past, the earth's air has been polluted, many forests have been destroyed and thousands of animals have become extinct. Air pollution has become a major problem since the first machines were made. Each year industrial developed countries generate billions of tones of pollutants. The major ... Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with …

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…it carries with it serious enviromental problems. Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with it serious enviromental problems. Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with it serious enviromental problems. Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with it serious enviromental problems. Although technology brings alot of comfort and progress to mankind, it carries with it serious enviromental problems.