Alternative Fuels (fuel cells)

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Introduction: Ballard Power System is the world leader in developing and commercializing proton exchange membrane fuel cell power systems. At the heart of this corporation is the Ballard Fuel Cell, a propriety zero-emission engine that converts natural gas, methanol, or hydrogen fuel directly into electricity without combustion. Over the last several years, many large corporations including Daimler-Benz, Chrysler, Honda, General Motors, Nissan, Hitachi, Volkswagen, Volvo, and GPU International have invested large amounts of money into …

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…have the ability to power anything, from cars, to computers, to submarines. Submarines which are powered by fuel cells can have an underwater endurance about five times as long as the diesel-electric submarines. In addition to that, because fuel cells are quiet and produce low heat, they make the submarine virtually invisible to surrounding ships. Fuel cell engines for submarines are far cheaper than nuclear powered ones, and have no harmful effect on the environment.