Alliances and WWII

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U.S. foreign policy before the relative turn of the 20th century was rather non-existent. The desire of the new country was to develop individually and become strong. They saw other nations as a threat considering the British and French colonization and the fight for independence. The Monroe Doctrine was enacted to stave off the rest of the world, specifying that they had no business in the Western Hemisphere. During the Civil War, the South …

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…Relations (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991), p.111-140 Wittkopf, Eugene R and James M. McCormick, The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Policy, Rowman and Littlefield, 1999 Wohlforth, William C. "The Stability of a Unipolar World" International Security 24:1 (Summer 1999), p.5-41 Wu Xinbo, "U.S. Security Policy in Asia: Implications for China-U.S. Relations" Center for Northeast Asian Policy Studies Working Paper Series (The Brookings Institution, September 2000) at