Allen Ginsberg1

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Allen Ginsberg, born on June 3, 1926 in Newark, New Jersey, was one of the founders of the Beatnik subculture. His mother was a Communist and extremely paranoid, often trusting her son while scared of her family and the rest of society. Ginsberg struggled through family conflicts and homosexuality throughout his adolescence. Upon graduating high school, he moved on to Columbia University where he, during his freshman year was introduced to Beats such as Lucien Carr and …

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…of it as if it has something to do with America itself. Wales Visitation, based, in terms of the city in London and in terms of the countryside on Wales, proves that the aforementioned opinion is inaccurate as Ginsberg merely has a love for nature. Based on his opinion of the government, which he openly pronounces throughout other poems, there is no reason to believe that he, in any way, has a love for America.