All students should be required to take course in the Science and Technology field even if they have no interest in them

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
One may define technology as the application of scientific knowledge to practical tasks that are done by organizations that use manpower and machines while science is a process of thoughts which has revealed information and use it in dealing with new complex ideas which demand powers of observation, criticism and careful planning. Bringing science and technology together we will be gathering information about material, world and the application of that information for the welfare of …

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…in all aspects of life. REFERENCES: Banks, F (1995) Teaching Technology, New York: Routledge Beverly, K et al (1987) Teaching Technology to children, Warcester: Davis Publications. Mutasa, N.G et al (1994) Modern Practice In Education and Science, Botswana: Tasalls Publishing. Robert, B.S et al (1970) Teaching Modern Science, Columbus: Merit Publishing Company. Webster, A (1991) Science, Technology and Society, London: Macmillan Press.