All my Sons by Arthur MIller ACT II of ALL MY SONS

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Essay Database > Literature > English
In Act 2 of the play All My Sons by Arthur Miller, it begins with some anticipation, because of how it was left off at the end of Act 1. Chris saws off the broken tree which was planted in remembrance of his brother Larry, leaving only a stump. His mother is worried about the fact that George will be coming soon, considering she suspects why he would be coming on such short notice. Chris, doesn't mind …

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…possible for a father to have killed his own son. When she runs back into the house, Chris is struck with utter shock and horror. He insists Joe tells him the truth, and Joe explains desperately that he did it all for Chris and to save the business, for Chris to have a good life. With disbelief, and questioning him with fury, Chris begins to weep, knowing now that his father really is a murderer.