"All in The Family" Cultural Representation of the 1970's in America

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All in the Family In watching episodes from "Leave it to Beaver" and "The Andy Griffith Show" we were able to see the cultural representations at that time through the show itself. The 1950's had a more traditional family attitude, the man running the house with the mom and the children following his ultimate say, but with "Leave it to Beaver" there was little sense of the world past their own family. "The Andy Griffith …

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…were left out. This "hit" of a show is just another representation of America, our history of oppressing African Americans, ramped racism, and "in the box" thinking. We can still make the debate that there hasn't been enough minorities in T.V. even today, as there are very few based around the lives of a minority race in American T.V. There is change and an open mind and that's all we can ask for.