"All Quiet on the Western Front"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
ok this papaer is about a theme in all quiet ont eh western front on how war changes a man and using examples of Paul(the main charecter) is changed by war from a young 18 yr old school boy full of life hopes n junk like that and in less than a year after fighting onthe front i mixed a couple themes somewhere inthe middle of the paper .if your going to use this one …

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…taught in school. He transforms mentally from being a caring, sensitive, obedient scholar to a numb, depressed, coarse old man. Throughout the book, Paul's inner personality is contrasted with the way the war forces him to act and feel. Ultimately, war is war. It cannot be defined; it cannot even be discussed with any accuracy or morality. It has no sense and, in fact, is the quintessence of a lack of any kind of meaning.