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Essay Database > Literature > English
Alienation has become a major problem in society today. It was become clearly recognized in the work place, schools as well as when you go to other countries. In my opinion alienation leads to fear, fear leads to hate and hate leads to anger. When anger arises everyone around you gets hurt. I believe Friedrich Nietzsche would have said that alienation would be a Dionysian aspect of human culture. Alienation has become an extreme problem …

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…alienation continues to be a problem in the U.S. we could see an increase of violence and hate crimes. This problem is well known worldwide and can be seen in many settings. Nietzsche would have, in my opinion, believed that alienation would be considered Dionysian because of the fact that any human that would put fellow human in a position of felling left out would have to have radical views on life. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**