Alien and Sedition Acts

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The debate over the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798 unraveled bitter disagreements on a number of separate issues. While these acts seemed to be very undemocratic in the sense that it pretty much discriminated against a citizen not born in America, but it is vital to realize the struggles and hardships young America was undergoing as a fledgling nation. When debating over the Alien and Sedation Acts, one must be able to comprehend the foreign …

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…in control of government could become almost invincible. This could be very dangerous to a young United States. Also with the powers granted to the president to deport all 'dangerous aliens', and during the times of war. These very controversial points of view would be debated for decades and their views are still being reviewed. It was a very important event in our history and helped build much of our government in its making today.