Alfred Nobel

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Alfred Nobel The inventor of dynamite was a very important roll to take part in. The ultimate inventor of it was a mane named Alfred Nobel. Before dynamite, miners had to use nitrogen to blow holes in rock and other things. However it is too volatile and can explode incredibly easily. Alfred changed all this. Alfred Nobel was born on October 21st 1833 in Stockholm. He studied their until1842 when his family moved to St. Petersburg …

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…it still went through. It is sure that Alfred Nobel contributed a great deal to chemistry and the world and has a large diversity of achievements. He lived an unhealthy life only to live a healthy afterlife. Many people will benefit from the Nobel prizes including such people as Mother Theresa and Ernest Rutherford. It is a good deed and will keep the human race alive just a little longer if people are this smart.