Alfred Kazin's Summer: The Way to Highland Park. Personal opinion given

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- - There are two main reasons why I have chosen Summer: The Way to Highland Park as my essay. My first reason is I love the city. In the city there is an essence of the past, marred by the shameful present. Kazin captures this feeling of the city to the point you can almost smell the city. His scents and sights bring this story to life. This brings me to the other reason I …

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…the brownstones and cherish a slow meaningful walk on a warm sunny day, but never could I place my thoughts and emotions on paper like Alfred Kazin does. I have learned of a higher and different level of writing, a level that I find very deep and fulfilling. Kazin, Alfred. "Summer: The Way to Highland Park." Inventing America: Readings in Culture and Identity. Ed. Gabriella Ibieta and Miles Orvell. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. 330-336.