Alfred E. Smith. 12pg term paper includes bibliography, endnotes, outline.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Politics
AL SMITH - MASTER OF POLITICS From a young age Alfred Emanuel Smith exemplified a responsible and determined individual. This can be seen in his initiative to take action by quitting school and engaging in various occupations after his father passed away. Although he had little formal education, his intelligence and charisma would help play a major role in his success. Mr. Smith's childhood was fairly normal. He was born in New York City on …

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…p. 2. 30.Fleming, p. 2. 31.Fleming, p. 2. 32.Fleming, p. 2. 33.Fleming, p. 2. 34.Fleming, p. 2. 35.Fleming, p. 2. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burner, D. (2000). Smith, Alfred E. American National Biography Online. Fleming, T. (2000, March 10). The Catholic Question: How Religion Defeated Al Smith Retrieved from Handlin, O. (1958). Al Smith and His America. Canada: 1958. New York Times (1857). "Alfred E. Smith Dies Here at 70; 4 Times Governor." New York, N.Y.: Oct 4, 1944; Proquest Historical Newspapers The New York Times, p. 1, 2.