Alexander the Great?
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Essay Database > History
Alexander the Great?
<Tab/>Greatness is a term that can be used in an array of different contexts. Alexander of Macedon has been called "The Great" for many years, even before his early death. However I do not believe the title "great" can be handed out so hastily. The first thing I want to explain about my view is that I do not believe that the degree of a persons "greatness"
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the known world. His name has been remembered through centuries while how many others who ruled in Greece have not. To me Alexander of Macedon was indeed "great." His remarkable achievements speak for themselves. Some will argue that Adolph Hitler went about his genocide with remarkable effectiveness, and I say to them Adolph Hitler although as evil as they come was also great, and his name will flow through time as Alexander of Macedon's has.
the known world. His name has been remembered through centuries while how many others who ruled in Greece have not. To me Alexander of Macedon was indeed "great." His remarkable achievements speak for themselves. Some will argue that Adolph Hitler went about his genocide with remarkable effectiveness, and I say to them Adolph Hitler although as evil as they come was also great, and his name will flow through time as Alexander of Macedon's has.