Alexander the Great (his relationship with his father; how he came to power; his conquests)

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Essay Database > History > European History
Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, accomplished much in his lifetime. He added many new lands to his vast empire including Asia Minor, Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, Sogdiana, and part of India. He became the conqueror of the world he knew. Alexander the Great was the son of Princess Olympias of Epirus (Cinderella) and King Philip II of Macedonia (Popovic). His parents hated each other and had an unstable marriage (Cinderella). Philip's relationship with Alexander …

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…Praeger Publishers, 1962. Dersin, Denise. What Life Was Like at the Dawn of Democracy. Alexandria, VA: Time Life Inc., 1997. Hackney, Adam. "Alexander the Great." 15 Mar 1997. 14 Dec 2002. Popovic, John J. "Alexander the Great." 1996. 41 pars. 30 Nov 2002. Spears, Jay. "Alexander the Great." 18 Sep 2002. 7 pars. 30 Nov 2002. Welles, C. Bradford. Alexander and the Hellenistic World. Toronto: A.M. Hakkart Ltd., 1970.