Alexander The Great

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
One of the greatest conquerors of all time is Alexander the Great of Macedonia. He was born in the year 356, in Pella, the ancient capital city of Macedonia. His father was Philip, the king of Macedonia, and his mother was Olympias, the princess of Epirus. His father, Philip, saw potential in Alexander, so he hired Leonidas. Leonidas trained Alexander physically, by using exercise and a lean diet. Alexander learned many military skills, such as running, …

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…his army 22,000 miles without losing one single battle. He worked corruption out of his government. He helped improve the well being of the peoples that he conquered, instead of mistreating or enslaving them. He transformed the culture of the world at his time, and he spread Greek culture and ideas. One of the most important ideas he encouraged was the fact that people of different cultures could live equally under the same rule or government.