Alexander Hamilton Biography-2 pages paragraphs including -introduction -early life -before the Revolution and during the revolution -during and after the revolution -later years

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Alexander Hamilton Biography Alexander Hamilton, (1757-1804), is a very important man in the history of America. He is best known for his political help in the money issues of government after the American Revolution and he is also well known for being the main writer of The Federalist Papers, a document that successfully gained many followers for the Constitution during the ratification of the Constitution. The document had said many good points of having a …

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…to duel. Hamilton accepted the challenge, and they met on July 11,1804 at Weehawken, New Jersey where Hamilton's son had died in a duel three years before. At the duel, Burr and Hamilton were both shot and both died in a short period afterward. Hamilton is a very important man, in the U.S. He is well remembered for both his military and political services, and is kept in the hearts of millions of people today.