Alexander Graham Bell

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Alexander Graham Bell was a great man. He invented Many things. He was born March 3, 1847 in Edinburg, Scotland. He came to Canada in 1870, then to the U.S. in 1871. Alex became an U.S. citizen in 1882. In the U.S. he taught deaf-mutes. In 1872 he founded his own school in Boston, Massachusetts. It was for deaf-mutes. The school became part of Boston University. Bell was appointed professor of vocal physiology. Alex came up with the …

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…He also knew a great deal about aeronautics. In fact, in 1907 he made a kite capable of carrying a person. Later this went on to become a wing of an airplane. Bell died August 2, 1922. His life was well spent. He invented a lot of intelligent things and, in some ways, he invented the future. Without the telephone, we would not have the Internet. There for his life is greatly appreciated and so are his inventions.