Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman - Their radical communist views and goals.

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Essay Database > History
Mother Russia Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, both Russian immigrants, were the unmatched duo of Anarchy during the early 1900's. They both believed strongly that the government of the United States was looking out for its own good, not for the good of the people, and therefore must be extinguished. Theodore Roosevelt was a highly regarded progressive president, making reforms and trying to improve the quality of life in the country he led, and Berkman …

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…financial help of friends, committed suicide on June 28th, 1936 (Falk 89-101). Bibliography Berkman, Alexander. Life of an Anarchist: The Alexander Berkman Reader. New York: Seven Stories Press, 1996. Wenzer, Kenneth. Anarchists Adrift: Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman. Brandywine Press, 1996. Candace Serena Falk. Love, Anarchy, and Emma Goldman, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990 (originally published in 1984). Wehling, Jason. Anarchy in Interpretation: The Life of Emma Goldman.