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Essay Database > Recreation & Sports > Health Care
Introduction Alcoholism is a very big problem worldwide. Alcoholism affects families, friends and relatives. Many children live in households with at least one alcoholic parent. Many people have either married or have a blood related relative who is an alcoholic. One in ten women drink while pregnant. One third of alcoholic deaths are from suicide or accidental such as drowning or head injuries from falling. Drunk driving is a major problem with alcoholics. Alcohol kills. …

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…alcoholism can increase by ones environment. Family and peer pressure and also how easy it is to purchase alcohol. conclusion Alcoholism is a big problem with today's society but there is help for people who want to stop drinking, Such as AA " Alcoholics Anonymous" AA has helped many people but there are other treatments such as counseling and medical care. With treatment and support many people are able to stop drinking and rebuild their lives.