Alcoholism is not a good thing and this is this i a good example why its not.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Alcoholism In Young Age Alcoholism and alcohol abuse is a growing problem in our society. Daily, people are injured and killed in alcohol-related accidents and this has an effect on each and every person as a result of these occurrences. Whether we are personally involved or have directly suffered from the activities of someone who is under the influence of alcohol, we all suffer from the negative consequences of alcohol. Since we have those who …

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…of alcoholism (violence, depression, etc) that may cause a child to deal as infrequently as possible with the alcoholic parent. A great deal of research is going into studying the effects and consequences of alcoholism and alcohol use today. This is necessary to provide rehabilitation and other help to alcoholics, as from research, an addiction is not necessarily created, but born. We can all benefit, emotionally, financially and otherwise from a better understanding of alcoholism.