Alcoholism: Disease...or Not? - An Opposing Viewpoints essay comparing the views of alcoholism disease pro, and con.

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Alcoholism: Disease or....Not? Constant debate is always a factor among the medical and psychological community as to whether Alcoholism is in fact a disease or just a state of mind. This is despite the fact that the American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, the American Hospital Association, the American Public Health Association, the National Association of Social Workers, the World Health Organization and the American College of Physicians all have classified alcoholism as …

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…lives. If Alcoholism was in fact an uncontrollable disease, that takes control of various organs and functions of the body as it deteriorates them, one would not be able to do this process successfully. "Alcoholism Is a Disease" by Nicholas A. Pace. Alcohol. William Dudley, Ed. Teen Decisions Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. "Alcoholism Is Not a Disease" by Herbert Fingarette. Alcohol. William Dudley, Ed. Teen Decisions Series. Greenhaven Press, 2001. "Alcoholism":