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Essay Database > Science & Technology
For most, alcohol provides an excuse for friends to get together after work, to enjoy a toast on special occasions, a feeling of warmth and relaxation from time to time. Alcohol has become a part of American culture as much as hot dogs and apple pie. It has been used as a social tool that makes business deals, friends, and huge amounts of money for those who make and sell it. Somewhere along the line, …

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…overcome their disease. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** References 1. Blum, Kenneth. Alcohol and the Addictive Brain:New Hope for the Alcoholic from Biogenetic Research. New York, Free Press, 1991. 2. Denzin, Norman K. The Alcoholic Self. Newbury, California: Sage Publications, 1988 3. Finfarette, Hubert. Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988 4. Jellinek, E.M. The Jellinek Chart. 5. Wilson, Bill. Alcoholics Anonymous. Croton Falls, New York:IWS, Inc. 1935