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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Professor Fahey English 1A 2 March 2002 Alcoholism Alcoholism was present in my family and friends. My grandpa would start drinking only on weekends socially. Then the drinking started everyday when he was passed over for a promotion. My grandma would get depressed because Grandpa was unhappy. She then started drinking also. The drinking increased so much that she started to hide vodka and gin in her bedroom. One night, her stomach was hurting. She said the …

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…ed.. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company, 2000: 1189-1190. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research., "Alcoholism Fact Sheet," 8 Feb. 2001.<Tab/>28 Feb. 2002 Neeb, Kathy., Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing 2nd ed.. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 2001: 245-246 Townsend, Mary C., Essentials of Psychiatric/Mental Health Nursing. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company, 1999: 269-273 Web Magic, Inc., "Alcohol-related Statistics," Alcoholism.Com. 2000. 28 Feb. 2002