Alcohol Verses Marijuana The Differences on the roles they play in social issues.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Foreword: There is no culture in the history of mankind that did not ever use some kind (kinds) of drugs. Despite the well-known consequences of drug addiction, millions of people constantly consume different legal and illegal drugs. Affecting people's mind and changing their behavior, drugs become one of the most threatening factors of social risk, resulting in increasing rates of mortality, aggressive and criminal behavior, and dissolution of social ties. This paper is devoted to …

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…marijuana/facts.htm Marijuana. NIDA InfoFacts, 2004. Online at Myths About Alcohol For Teens. MADD. Online at,1056,1157,00.html Say it Straight! Marijuana Myth vs. Fact. State of Washington Lieutenant Governor Brad Owen, 2004. Online at Timmons, Robin C. & Hamilton, Leonard. Drugs, Brains and Behavior. 1990. Online at