Alcohol Problems

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Growing up in an alcoholic family is certainly traumatic. In these homes, children experience a daily environment of inconsistency, chaos, fear, abandonment, denial, and real or potential violence. Survival becomes a full-time job. While most of us know that alcoholism is a disease, too few recognize it as a family disease, which may emotionally, spiritually and often physically, affect, not only the alcoholic but each member of the family. Little emotional energy remains to consistently …

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…mental health professionals. Growing up in an alcoholic family is certainly traumatic, and it seems there are no positive aspects involved. The fact of the matter is these children will be scared for life and most likely need some kind of counselling in the future depending on the severity of the abuse. Too many children in Canada and America have lived through this dreadful lifestyle. Alcohol simply should never be abused, neither should the children.