Albert EinsteinMan of Vision

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Albert Einstein: Man of Vision Albert Einstein, perhaps the greatest mind ever to have walked the face of the earth, was born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm, Germany. As a boy, he hated school, and felt that the regimented and repetitive nature of schooling in Germany at that time had any promise of helping his future. He did not do well in school, mainly because he did not care to learn what was being taught to …

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…David Ben-Gurion in 1952 to be the President of Israel. His work and his constant demand for interviews always kept him busy, and he lived in New Jersey until his death at the age of 76 on April 18, 1955. Bibliography 100 Great Scientists. Ed. Dr. Jay E. Greene. New York: Washington Square Press, 1964. Albert Einstein-The Human Side. Ed. Dukas, Helen and Banesh Hoffmann. Princeton: Princeton U. Press, 1979. Einstein-A Centenary Volume. Ed. A.P. French. Cambridge, MA: Harvard U. Press, 1979.