Albert Camus and Suicide

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Humanity has always been intrigued with death and questioning the morality of deaths. Philosopher Albert Camus is famous for his work with the suicide aspect of death. Suicide is a part of society that many people would like to overlook because it is an uncomfortable subject to describe. Through his works, Albert Camus took on philosophies of death, looking suicide in the eye. Philosopher Albert Camus was born on November 7, 1913 in Mondovi, Algeria. A year …

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…one will never learn to live. Acknowledging these absurdities is accepting the hardships into our lives. Although Camus never admitted to being an existentialist, many of his philosophies go toward that direction. Existentialists believe that we can bestow a certain value in our lives. Through The Myth of Sisyphus Camus explains his reasoning for existing in this world, why one should not give up with suicide. His upfront style against suicide proves his philosophical talents.