Al Qaeda will use the acts of September 11 to finally lure the United States into a Holy War, uniting the nation of Islam against the Western allies.

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The Inevitable Holy War "Terrorism by definition strikes at the innocent in order to draw attention to the sins of the invulnerable" (Johnson 1). The terrorist acts of September 11 definitely have gotten the attention of the supposedly invulnerable United States. American citizens have now begun to realize the despise that other countries feel towards the United States. In the world of Islam, a deep hatred for the United States has burned for the last half-century. By …

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…of civilizations" featuring Islam and the West has been a goal of terrorists in the Middle East since the 1950's and now seems to be taking place. Al Qaeda has lured the United States into a Holy War through the attacks of September 11. As the United States continues to pound Afghanistan with air strikes, more and more Muslims come together in hatred of our country everyday. Al Qaeda wins. The Holy War is now inevitable.