Al Gore: For a Better America

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
As a Member of Congress and as Vice President, Al Gore has worked hard to ensure that all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care. He has fought for a strong, enforceable Patients' Bill of Rights, worked to ensure that women and children receive high quality care, promoted innovative solutions for long term care needs, and fought to protect and improve Medicare and Medicaid. Gore also has been a leading advocate for medical research. …

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…Gun Tracing As Vice President and as a Member of Congress, Al Gore has been a leader in improving educational opportunities for all Americans. He has championed efforts to pursue proven strategies for improving public education - reducing class sizes, improving standards and accountability, and bringing technology into classrooms. He has worked to increase access to higher education and lifetime learning opportunities, and he has advocated for get-tough proposals to make schools safer and drug-free.